2022 Geek Prize: “Silicon Valley” is our Best TV Series of the Year

We present our 2022 list of top TV series.

Top 10: Love Sick

Geek Score: 3.23/5.00

The characters in “Lovesick” are not your overly handsome and beautiful kind, they’re normal people level which, along with the realness of the story, makes for a great TV viewing because, you know, it’s real. And in this age of perfectly produced shows, we need this one.

Top 9: World War II: Road to Victory

Geek Score: 3.55/5.00

“WWII in Color: Road to Victory” is surprisingly more fun to watch than the first one. Mostly because of the new footage and details shared by the experts. You will not be bored watching most of the episodes (except for some).

Top 8: The Empress

Geek Score: 3.58/5.00

There’s a lot of promise to this series. The first season understandably focuses on the first few days of Elisabeth as empress. The intriguing and dramatic parts of her life that made the empress a great historical figure will come next. We wait impatiently for the second season.

Top 7: The Woman in the House Across the Street
from the Girl in the Window

Geek Score: 3.63/5.00

Is there a way of making a genuinely suspenseful “darkly comedic” psychological thriller based on characters propelled by bereavement? This is the niche and slightly ridiculous question I found myself asking after watching TWITHATSFTGITW. Maybe Simon Pegg and Nick Frost could have pulled it off in the 00s, but it hasn’t happened here. (The Guardian)

Top 6: The Defeated

Geek Score: 3.77/5.00

I thought I would only like stories about World War II, but the stories about what happened to the Germans after their defeat was so few that this series captivated me from the get-go. The audience is given a glimpse into this rarely discussed chapter of history. I enjoyed the revenge against the Nazis part, to be honest. “The Defeated” successfully (and realistically) portrayed post-war Berlin and for that this series deserves five stars.

Top 5: Heartstopper

Geek Score: 3.94/5.00

The characters are as close to real high school students as you can get (physically), like in the series “Young Royals.” It is too Gen Z for my taste but the depth of the story and the superb acting makes “Heartstopper” worth a watch.

Top 4: The Playlist

Geek Score: 4.05/5.00

The series presents diverging POVs and narrations of what truly happened during the creation of Spotify. It gives credence to its story. “The Playlist” presents some of the untold stories behind the popular music streaming app. It might not be the cup of tea for some, but this, I would say, is one hell of a series.   

Top 3: World on Fire

Geek Score: 4.12/5.00

I’m not sure about the accuracy of some of the depicted scenes here. But you know what, who cares? “World on Fire” is a masterpiece of BBC and PBS simply because it focuses on the struggles of ordinary people. Delving into their every action that is dictated by the war. How their stories were portrayed was brilliant, to say the least.

Top 2: This is Us

Geek Score: 4.13/5.00

Of course, the story of this series is too perfect to happen in real life. This is the one flaw of “This Is Us” that I haven’t given much thought to. But bits and pieces of it resonate in our lives and the superb script delivered by the brilliant cast transcends this series into something worth remembering. Thank you, Big Three.

Top 1: Silicon Valley

Geek Score: 4.32/5.00

I officially declare that “Silicon Valley” is one of my favorite shows of all time. It’s hard not to like this series when several elements that I love in a TV show are present: comedy and nerd stuff combined. But it’s not just that. There’s a certain depth in how it is written that makes this show worthy of a Series B. There are a few series that are worth watching over and over again and “Silicon Valley” is definitely one of them.

Photo 4-24-22, 11 22 59 PM (2)Reignell Francisco

I’m a Filipino content creator with passion for travel, history, football, and anything on TV. Visit my YouTube channel onelostgeek for my travel stories. Business inquiry: geekgodreview@yahoo.com



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